F R I E N D S Are a Heart-Healthy Option

Did you know, that your friends are good for your Heart? Literally? Several studies show that our friends, the good ones, the bad ones and the difficult ones all help keep our hearts healthy.

Interesting enough, middle-aged men and women were some 50% less likely to have Heart Attacks, Coronary Heart Disease, and Diabetes that had a solid network of friends. Women in these studies showed that those with close support among friends have fewer issues with the heart and inflammation type diseases than those who have minimal relationships.

Most commonly, it seems that less stress was a big factor for during stressful times and events the presence of friends, lowered the stress levels considerably.

Healthy habits and health goals that are made amongst friends have a much better chance of being attained simply from accountability amongst each other as well as positive motivation.  For example, friends who exercise together by simply walking or bike riding were more likely to carry out that exercise further for a longer duration.

Things like quitting smoking, consuming less alcohol, & diets were most successful when encouragement and positive reinforcement came from friends. This applies to the workplace too, working with cohesive teams showed significantly greater productivity and less sick days utilized.

Our friends influence our well being more than we know, but what about the friends that are not so kind and courteous? Believe it or not, even those friends play important roles in our well-being.

The sense of belonging and being simply included in a group is considered heartwarming to us all. That includes extending the welcome to others who may not be as even-keeled. The statement “we are better together” rings true here. Our positive vibes on these types of people can make a difference.

From personal experience, I could not agree more. I am blessed to have a vast array of friends. Some I have had since childhood and others I gained along the way but each holds a special piece of my life puzzle.  

I have been through some very challenging times in my life and hands down, my friends were my sense of comfort, peace, and love. I owe so much love and support to so many who so unselfishly showed up when I needed them the most.

I dedicate this blog to them all, I don’t have to give names they know who they are. I love you all and am forever grateful for each of you for contributing important pieces to my life puzzle and for always sharing your Grace with me, even when I was at my worst. 

My heart is healthier because you are there!

A very special dedication to those who are now my Angel friends that earned their wings way too soon

TJ Ivey, Darlene Himmelberger, Audrey Stewart & Tara Garcia and to my Mom, Gwen Suchan, who will forever be my Angel in the outfield cheering me on!

Spread the love!


  1. karen allen says:

    I want to thank you for being my friend for many many many years you have been there when I needed you the most. I will never forget all the amazing time spent together ,laughing and crying. You are a true friend. I thank God to have you in my lifetime.

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